CAS Registry Number®
CAS Name
Montmorillonite ((Al1.33-1.67Mg0.33-0.67)(Ca0-1Na0-1)0.33Si4(OH)2O10.xH2O)
Molecular Formula
Compound Properties
Density (1)
2.0745 g/cm3 @ Temp: 21 °C
- (1) Sujkowski, Zbigniew; Archiwum Mineralogiczne, (1934), 10, 98-116(115-16 in English), CAplus
Other Names and Identifiers
Other Names for this Substance
- Montmorillonite ((Al1.33-1.67Mg0.33-0.67)(Ca0-1Na0-1)0.33Si4(OH)2O10.xH2O)
- Montmorillonite
- Deriton
- Gelwhite GP
- Bentolite
- Ben-A-Gel EW
- Albagen 4439
- Flygtol GA
- Ben-A-Gel
- Arcillite
- Turface
- Brock
- Imvite E
- Walkerde
- Metaloid
- Imvite K
- Mineral Colloid BP
- Bedelix
- Tonsil ACCFF
- Tonsil LFF 80
- Kunipia G
- Alabama Blue Clay
- Gelwhite L
- Gelwhite H
- Galleonite 136
- Dis-Thix Extra
- K 10
- Osmos N
- Kunipia G 4
- Neokunibond
- Bentolite L 3
- Polargel
- SCPX 818
- BPW 015-10
- BPW 009-3
- Montmorillonite (AlH(SiO3)2)
- Montmorillonite (HAlSi2O6)
- Benclay MK 101
- BPW 009
- Kunipia TO
- KM 1
- Optigel CL
- KM 1 (mineral)
- BPW 009-10
- Volclay SG 40
- SG 40
- Lavioplast C
- Furonaito 101
- Furonaito 113
- XMP 4
- Hydrocol 2D1
- DH 1
- DH 2
- DH 1 (catalyst)
- PGV 5
- AMS (mineral)
- Envirobent
- Montmorillonite KSF
- PGW (mineral)
- K 10 (mineral)
- Montmorillonite K10
- STx 1
- CEC 95
- BP Colloidal Clay
- Colloid BP
- Benclay SL
- PK 802
- PK 805
- Maghnite
- Sy 1
- Cloisite Na+
- MM 784
- Aquaset
- Petro-Free (sorbent)
- Kunipia P
- Petro-Free
- Mineral Colloid MO
- Swy 1
- Gelwhite H-NF
- Naima
- Bentone SB
- Nanomer PGV
- PGV-PV 178-00
- G 105
- Kunipia RG
- Microtec
- Nanomer PGW
- Enobent
- BP 188
- BP 188 (mineral)
- C 18N-MMT
- SCPX 2041
- Tonsil 414FF
- NB 900
- Nanocor IL
- Ben-Gel 3
- Ben-Gel W 300HP
- Ben-Gel A
- Bentone ND
- BPS 2003
- Nanocor PGV
- Clarsol KC 2
- Mil-Gel NT
- Dellite LVF
- Mac-gel
- MM 804
- FMR 02F
- Ben-Gel Bright 11
- Mikawa
- K 01274
- SY 6
- SY 6 (clay)
- Ben-Gel 2M
- Bentopharm
- Nanofil 116
- Amcol A
- Amcol B
- Amcol L
- Amcol V
- SCPX 2973
- SCPX 2953
- NT 25
- NT 25 (mineral)
- Montmorillonite K 30
- JT 518
- Na-Cloisite
- Ca-Cloisite
- Cloisite Ca++
- EXM 1246
- NTC-C 34
- S-Ben NK
- DK 1
- Kunifil D 36
- Monamet 1N1
- K 5CHS131893-0
- Calibrin Z
- GK 7
- MMT 1227
- 1095B
- 1090B
- Nanocor G 105
- MMT-K 10
- NC 95
- Benclay KK
- Kunipia HY
- Calibrin A
- SMP-X 40
- G 105PGW
- HFGEL 120
- P 801
- Agsorb 30/60RVM-G
- Agsorb 24/48LVM-G
- Agsorb 24/48LVM-R
- NPC 130
- AZ 125
- MK 30
- 638MC-P8CM25
- MT 832
- J 009
- MT 835
- WSG-PN 02
- EXM 838
- Agsorb 325RVM IL
- YH 170
- Clarsol FB 2
- J 09
- TY 710C
- Montmorillonite 15A
- Shelsite 30B
Deleted or Replaced CAS Registry Numbers
12199-64-3, 12414-99-2, 12656-86-9, 50925-68-3, 51811-27-9, 61029-13-8, 61711-53-3, 64418-14-0, 67479-91-8, 111744-70-8, 121181-40-6, 252254-66-3, 376359-98-7, 405157-26-8, 850354-49-3, 1160357-96-9, 1370352-97-8, 1428381-06-9, 1587636-97-2, 1593119-81-3